Site-In-Charge / RCM

Site-In-Charge / RCM

Job Description

• Total responsibility for complete execution of the Project within budget and time.

• Responsible for building a congenial relation with the client so as to facilitate timely execution of the project.

• Responsible for looking after regular employees, contract employees and employees engaged through contractors.

• Responsible for building good co-ordination with H.O. and all kinds of suppliers and service providers like materials, transport, inspection, medical, etc.

• Responsible for accounting for all kinds of Free Issue materials received from the client, self-supplied materials, materials received from H.O.

• Responsible for fund management and their accounting. Funds may be received from H.O. or received from the client as part payments.

• Responsible for accounting all the equipment’s, machinery, tools, and other consumables supplied from H.O. or purchased or hired directly at the site.

• Responsible for conducting all in-house progress review meetings with the client, with

H.O. and communicating the progress report to the H.O.

Focus Areas of RCM may be elucidated as follows

1. Cost Control-Budget With overall focus on the entire project related budget (Head B, C, D, F, K) and complete monitoring & complying of the site budget.


a. 0’ (Zero) Accident – Major

b. ‘0’ (Zero) Lost time incident

3. People Management

a. Developing team members relating to performance, behavior, communication, counselling

b. Motivating, developing and carrying the team for excellent performance.

c. Making a role model of an effective leader to whom the team will be willing to follow.

d. Maintaining discipline and high standards of integrity

4. Inventory Management

a. Monthly reconciliation and complete reconciliation during site closure.

b. Controlling & monitoring the free issue materials including reconciliation

c. Maintaining the stock level with minimum inventory for timely (JIT) availability of material

5. Planning & Billing

a. Submission of bill in time

b. Certification

c. Follow up.

d. Submission of all types of project progress reports.

6. Sub Contract Management

a. Getting the job executed in terms of the contract by maintaining quality, time frame and proper documentation.

b. Maintaining proper records and legal compliance including fulfilling all contractual obligations.

c. Material consumption / Equipment handling records and reconciliation on a monthly basis.


  • Years of experience: more than 12 yrs


Position : 1
Gender : M/F